Boyfriend(31M) acting weird when I (29F) ask to use the parking pass for our apartment.
I’ve been with my boyfriend for over 3 years. We welcomed a baby in October and since then she has been in the NICU. We are currently staying in a different city to be close to the hospital our daughter is staying at. I (29F)occasionally go home on saturdays to run errands and he (31M)goes home from Tuesday through Thursday to work at the office.
My boyfriend doesn’t have a car, but I do. Prior to having the baby I mentioned to him that we should look into getting a parking pass in our apartments garage because searching for street parking while having a stroller and a baby would be difficult. He didn’t see value in it then, arguing he doesn’t have a car. I tried to explain its for the comfort of both the baby and I. I put us on the waiting list for a parking spot anyway because I wanted one even though it was an extra $150 a month. Fast forward to December there was a spot available and my boyfriend paid for it so we could have it.
When we received the parking pass/decal he would not put it on my car. He wanted to hold it so in his own words he could have control of it and know where it is. Which makes no sense since he does not have a car. His first complaints were that I should not use the parking decal until I pay for half of it. He makes more money than I (although not significantly more) and prior to moving in and me paying a little less than half the rent he was paying the whole thing and some by himself. So I really didn’t see the problem with him paying for the parking pass.
Long story short every time I come back to our apartment I have to park on the street and search for parking because he will either keep the parking decal with him or just say no. He mentioned today that all I have to do is ask him for it and he will give it to me, but that’s just not true. I’m considering leaving him over this. I feel like this is just a way for him to try to control me. What do you think?